Abandoned Shopping Cart Mails
Abandoned Shopping Cart Mails

Convert abandoned shopping carts into sales and increase your sales easily and efficiently with the automated abandoned shopping cart mailings.

Abandoned Shopping Cart Mails

Convert abandoned shopping carts into sales and increase your sales easily and efficiently with the automated abandoned shopping cart mailings.

What do we offer you?

Two thirds of online shoppers forget to complete their online purchase every day. For you, this means losing many potential customers and sales! With our abandoned shopping cart mailings, which are sent automatically every day, you can win back lost sales.

For the abandoned shopping cart mailing, you need an Inxmail Professional client and a Würth Online Shop from Würth IT. In coordination with you, we establish a connection between your Online Shop and Inxmail Professional, which transmits the abandoned shopping carts to Inxmail on a daily basis after a certain number of days.

Content and dispatch time
Content and dispatch time

Create the abandoned shopping cart mailing yourself. You decide which content should appear in the mailing in addition to the products that a customer has forgotten in the shopping cart. Plus, you can set the mailing time yourself.


You would like to send your abandoned shopping cart mailing in different languages?

No problem - the mailing will always be sent in the recipient's preferred language.

Umsatz tracken
Track sales

All links leading to your online shop are provided with web tracking parameters for Google Analytics and Matomo.

This allows you to easily track the sales generated by the abandoned shopping cart mailings.